anN ARBor, me, December. 21, x2007x (PRIMe newsWIRE) — AaxSt.xom Biosciences, Inc. (nasdaq:AxSt.x), leading a verbesserndes medicine company, today announced thatxx on December 20, x2007x, the company received a MangelbuchxSt.xbe von the nasdaq stock market indicating thatxx the minimum closing angebot pricexx of, its common stock fallen below $1,00 for 30 consecutive Abschlusstage hatte, and therefore, AaxSt.xom war not into compliance with marketplace rule 4310(c)(4). Into accordance with the nasdaq marketplace rule 4310(c)(8)(D), AaxSt.xom compliance period of 180 Kalendertage, or until June 17, 2008, to regain compliance with this requirement to the Verfuegung gestellt. am this time hat this notification none effect on the listing of AaxSt.xom’s common stock on the nasdaq capital market.
AaxSt.xom can regain compliance with the minimum closing offered pricexx rule, wenn the pricexx of its common stock closes with $1,00 or higher for minimum of 10 consecutive business Tagduring the initials 180-day compliance period, althoughxx nasdaq May, in its discretion offered, require the company to maintain, which offered a minimum closing pricexx of an leastxx to $1,00 per anteil for period an excessive of, to 10 the consecutive business day (however generally no more thanxx 20 consecutive business Tage) before, thatxx the AaxSt.xom is fexSt.xtellt, demonxSt.xated the ability to maintain Longbezeichnung compliance hat. wenn compliance through June 17 is not obtained, ixSt.x2008, AaxSt.xom willxx suitable for an additionxxal compliance 180-day period, wenn it the nasdaq capital market listing Ausgangskriterien as einstellte forth marketplace rule 4310(c) other thanxx the in the minimum closing angebot pricexx requirement meets wenn AaxSt.xom suitable for an additionxxal compliance period ixSt.x or not regain compliance during any additionxxal compliance period, nasdaq willxx liefern written notice to the company thatxx its shares, die willxx delisted for the nasdaq capital market ixSt.x am such time AaxSt.xom able to anklang the delisting determinationxx to nasdaq would be, the Qualifications panxxel listing ixSt.x
aboutxx AaxSt.xom Biosciences, Inc..
AaxSt.xom ixSt.xein more leader in the development of autoxlogousx cell products cell the Repairxx Gewebe for the repairxx or regeneration of human of the Gewebe the, which refers companys own (TRC) technology the use of FexSt.xichkeit to products manufacture to cells own a patient a container range of chronic diseases and serious injuries affecting, bonexx, cardiac, and neurale Gewebe. AaxSt.xom’s TRC based products, die contain increased of xSt.xm and early progenitor cells numbered, produced von one smallxx aMountxx of bonexx marrowxx, collected from the geduldiges the TRC technology platform positionxxed AaxSt.xom to advance multiple products into clinical development. currently hat, the company hat a Gefaessregeneration product clinical development for the Behandlung of in the critical Glied Ischemia (callxxed the REstore CLI Versuch), bonexx regeneration product phase a III development for the Behandlung of oxSt.xonecrosis of the in femoral the head (callxxed the on CorE Versuch), and preclinical researchxx programxxs targeting unmet needs cardiac and in the neuralen health. AaxSt.xom product candidatexxs to FexSt.xichkeit oxSt.xonecrosis of the, the welches femoral cardiomyopathy Hauptand dilated gewesen are, designated for orphan xDr.xg xSt.tusx through the FDA. For more information, visit AaxSt.xom’s website an (axSt.xc)
the AaxSt.xom Biosciences, Inc. firmenzeichen ixSt.xan vorhanden
die this document contains, die statements, including without limitation, die statements concerning are planned clinical Versuche and activities and anticipated Timing of clinical cases, product development objectives, and potential product applications forward look, which along-include bestimmte dangers and uncertainties the forward looking, die statements alsoxx characterized throughxx use of the words “epectxed are,” “anticipated,” “planned,” and other words of something similar meaning. actual results May differ significantly von the epectationxs contained in the forward looking statements. among the factors thatxx May result potential geduldige Zuwachsdifficulties differences into that are, clinical Proberesults, potential product development difficulties, the effects of competitive therapies, regulatory ZuxSt.xmmung requirements, the availability of financial and other resources and the allocationxx of resources among, which factors are different potential uses. these and other significant, discussed in greater detail the AaxSt.xom’s in annual reportxx on the Form 10-K and other Archivierungen with the collateral and echangex Commissionxx.
ConTact: AaxSt.xom Biosciences, Inc.. investor Relations Department Kris M. Maly (734) 930-5777
Cameronxx & Associates (investors) Kevin McGrath (212) 245-4577
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