BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., January. 14, 2008 (PRIMe newsWIRE) — the collapse recognized collateral by Morgan Keegan, which has mutual bond find, led to the requirements for investor and to a continuing investigation of region Financial Corp. (NYSE:RF) and according to a certified crew four law of the enterprise with national law experience.
But die mediators, die die pension funds sold, are not not and according closed die goals of the requirements for investor to the certified crew of the investors, die die enterprises of Aidikoff, of UHL and of Bakhtiari, of Beverly Hills, Calif.; Maddox, Hargett and Caruso, P.C., of Indianapolis, of Ind. and of New York, N.Y.; Page Perry, LLC, of Atlanta, Ga.; and David P. Meyer and Teilnehmer CO, L.P.A., of Columbus, Ohio.
“the investigated Morgan Keegan pension fund we’ve by die subprime crisis and emerging housing acct pure melts,” said attorney Ryan Bakhtiari of Aidikoff, UHL and Bakhtiari were stuck on. “We believe that investors have a law-massive complaint with Morgan Keegan for way, this capital were marketed and sold at customers of the enterprise.”
Die law enterprises investigate the die following capital, die by the collapse of the mortgage of markets and the subprime crisis affected are unfavorable:
* Regions Morgan Keegan high Einkommen-Ein, (Sym:MKHIX) Select, year to Date Return a/o (12/31/07) — 59,74 percent * Regions Morgan Keegan high income C, (Sym:RHICX) Select, year to Date Return a/o (12/31/07) — 59,95 percent * Regions Morgan Keegan high income Einkommen-Ich, (Sym:RHIIX) Select, year to Date Return a/o (12/31/07) — 59,64 percent * RMK high income fund, (NYSE:RMH), year to Date Return a/o (12/31/07) — 65,53 percent * RMK strategic income fund, (NYSE:RSF), year to Date Return a/o (12/31/07) — 66,92 percent * Regions Morgan Keegan mediator connection Finanzieren-Ein, (Sym:MKIBX) Select, year to Date Return a/o (12/31/07) — 50,30 percent * Regions Morgan Keegan mediator connection finance C, (Sym:RIBCX) Select, year to Date Return a/o (12/31/07) — 50,54 percent * Regions Morgan Keegan mediator connection finance Finanzieren-Ich, (Sym:RIBIX) Select, year to Date Return a/o (12/31/07) — 50,07 percent * RMK high multi-channel income, (Sym:RHY), year to Date Return a/o (12/31/2007) — 65,09 percent * RMK advantage income, (Sym:RMA), year to Date Return a/o (12/31/2007) — 66,68 percent
A category was arranged action, process against Morgan the Keegan in, United States district Court for Western the district of threshing floor lake, Atkinson et al. V. Morgan ate management, Inc. et al. Case No. 2007cv02784. If you are an investor, who lost more than $75,000, her, more consider all certified elections if.
More information are on present or by associating with an attorney.
CONTACT: Aidikoff, UHL and Bakhtiari Ryan K. Bakhtiari (800) 382-7969 Beverly Hills, California Maddox, Hargett and Caruso, P.C. Mark E. Maddox (800) 505-5515 Indianapolis, Indiana; New York, New York page Perry, LLC J. Boyd PAGE (877) 673-0047 Atlanta, Georgia David P. Meyer and Teilnehmer, Co., L.P.A. David P. Meyer (866) 827-6537 Columbus, Ohio
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